there’s another reason why this episode was stronger than the past
ones. It’s because the Boys are back in the mix. Charley, Adam, and Ray
all have significant relevance in this episode and it’s because of that,
that the episode is smoother, more interesting, better paced, and
obviously funnier. Take that Beyonce.
The episode's title proves to be rather apropos. I'm gonna say that
"It's Back" refers to the general rhythm of the show that we all enjoyed
from Season 1.
Ray isn’t the only one who should be keeping an eye on the person he
cares about. While Hannah is busy at the shrink trying to get her
nervous OCD ticks under control, Adam is scoring dates at AA. Adam’s
been clean and sober for a while but he’s feeling stressed out and
unburdens himself at a meeting, much to the delight of another attendee.
In fact, the woman is so impressed by his honesty and poise that she
sets Adam up with her daughter. The mom might be a kook, but the apple
fell immensely far from the tree. She’s hot, grounded, and Adam appears
to have a new sex toy to play with.
When Marnie arrives home she has a mini-freakout which Ray finds amusing. While she bemoans the fact that sane, have-it-together people like her are forced to struggle through life, sad sacks like Charlie get to be rich and lavished with the gifts of luxury and fame. Or something like that. Ray, always the purveyor of sage wisdom, advises Marnie to stop all the petty bullshit and finally pursue what she wants. Enough of the hostessing and gallivanting. Marnie confides that her true passion is to be a singer and then belts out some lovely sounding tune that I was too lazy to Google.
What we have at the end of the this episode is something that we haven’t had possibly all season: many different possible paths for all the show's characters. This is a good thing and will actually have me looking forward to next episode for the first time all year. Will Shoshanna’s indescrietion bring an end to her relationship with Ray? Will Marnie become a professional singer? Will she sing naked? Will Adam start dating Natalia seriously? Or will she only make him realize how much he misses Hannah? Will Charlie ride his wealth to party it up with models in Ibiza? Or will he come crawling back to Marnie? If Charley comes back to her, will Marnie get naked? Will Jessa reappear? Is she going to be a peripheral character the rest of this season? Will Hannah conveniently conquer her recent bout of OCD to make room for a new plot point? Will her OCD continue to plague her for the rest of the season to become a ½ season arc? Will you continue reading this blog? Will Marnie get naked?
Yes. No. No. Maybe. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes also. Yes. No. Probably not. Sadly...I doubt it.
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